Now I'm going to coolly run my hands through my hair. والآن سأبدوا رائعاً بتمرير رأس خلال شعرى
Hocevar coolly put the ball into the net. ويضـع "هوتسفار" كرة ] [ رائعـــة في الشــبـكــة
She coolly went to her brother's house and rested. لقد ذهبت باسترخاء إلى منزل أخيها
There was no wind, I shot coolly ما كان هناك ريح، ضربت بشكل بارد
You coolly stand your ground. كنت ببرود الوقوف في الميدان الخاص بك.
And you just coolly sit here? وأنت جالس هكذا ببرود هنا؟
Young men don't just drift coolly out of nowhere and buy a palace on Long Island. ...فالشَبابّ لا يأتون من العدم (ويشترون قصراً فى (لونغ ايلاند
You coolly signed those orders... وقعت الاوامر بكل برود
Regretfully, I... never thought we'd be coolly greeting each other under this type of circumstance. للأسف، أنا.. لم أفكر قط أننا سنحيي بعضنا فى هذاا لنوع من المواقف.
in a composed and unconcerned manner; "without more ado Barker borrowed a knife from his brigade Major and honed it on a carborundum stone as coolly as a butcher" مرادفات: nervelessly, nonchalantly, nervelessly, nonchalantly,
in a composed and unconcerned manner; "without more ado Barker borrowed a knife from his brigade Major and honed it on a carborundum stone as coolly as a butcher" مرادفات: nervelessly, nonchalantly, nervelessly, nonchalantly,