"dainty" معنى adj. وسيم, أنيق, رقيق, لذيذ, طيب المذاق, سهل المكسر, جميل n. نيق, صعب الإرضاء, طعام لذيذ
No, Mr. Humbert confesses to a certain titillation of his vanity to some faint tenderness, even to a pattern of remorse daintily running along the steel of his conspiratorial dagger. لم أشعر الا بالمرارة و النفور... كلا فالسيد هامبرت لديه كبرياء لا يعترف بالحنان الباهت ولا بنمط الندم
تعريف الإنجليزية
in a refined manner; "she nibbled daintily at her cake"
in a delicate manner; "the invitation cards were written up daintily in white and gold"
in a refined manner; "she nibbled daintily at her cake"
in a delicate manner; "the invitation cards were written up daintily in white and gold"