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تسجيل الدخول إنشاء حساب جديد

deliver معنى

النطق [ di'livə ]   يبدو
"deliver" أمثلة على
الترجمة العربيةجوال إصدار
  • v.
    حول, خطب, سلم, أرسل, نقذ, حرر, نقل, ألقى, وفى بوعده, وجه ضربة, وزع, ولد, ألقى خطابا
  • يُوَلِّد
  • Why didn't you deliver them right away?
    لماذا لم تسلمها الأدوية؟ ألا تعرف بأن ذلك الفتى مريض للغاية؟
  • I'll deliver you up to the judgement of God and the law.
    سأرسلك لعدالة الرب و عدالة القانون
  • I have ore I have to deliver from my silver mines.
    اقدم المساعدة من مناجم الفضة خاصتي .
  • I don't know if I'll have the strength to deliver it.
    لا أعلم لو كانت لدي المقدرة لتوصيلها
  • And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
    ولا توقعنا في المعاصي وسلمنا من الشر.
  • My orders are to kill you and deliver the Lektor.
    سوف يكو بطيئاً ومؤلماً كم يدفعون لك ؟
  • And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
    ... وقودناليسإلى الإغراء لكن سلّمنا من الشرّ...
  • There is none that can deliver out of Thy hand.
    ليس هناك شئ يمكن أن يُسلّم خارج يدك
  • Another time, my boss sent me to deliver some record books.
    مرة أخرى، أرسلني رئيسي لإيصال بعض السجلات
  • الحصول على المزيد من الأمثلة   1  2  3  4  5
تعريف الإنجليزية
  • cause to be born; "My wife had twins yesterday!"
    مرادفات: give birth, bear, birth, have,

  • deliver (a speech, oration, or idea); "The commencement speaker presented a forceful speech that impressed the students"
    مرادفات: present,

  • utter (an exclamation, noise, etc.); "The students delivered a cry of joy"

  • pass down; "render a verdict"; "deliver a judgment"
    مرادفات: render, return,

  • bring to a destination, make a delivery; "our local super market delivers"

  • throw or hurl from the mound to the batter, as in baseball; "The pitcher delivered the ball"
    مرادفات: pitch,

  • relinquish possession or control over; "The squatters had to surrender the building after the police moved in"
    مرادفات: surrender, cede, give up,

  • to surrender someone or something to another; "the guard delivered the criminal to the police"; "render up the prisoners"; "render the town to the enemy"; "fork over the money"
    مرادفات: hand over, fork over, fork out, fork up, turn in, render,

  • carry out or perform; "deliver an attack", "deliver a blow"; "The boxer drove home a solid left"
    مرادفات: drive home,

  • hand over to the authorities of another country; "They extradited the fugitive to his native country so he could be tried there"
    مرادفات: extradite, deport,

  • free from harm or evil
    مرادفات: rescue,

  • save from sins
    مرادفات: redeem, save,