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dry معنى

النطق [ drai ]   يبدو
زمن الماضي البسيط: dried   زمن الماضي البسيط: dried   زمن المضارع المستمر: drying   
"dry" أمثلة على
الترجمة العربيةجوال إصدار
  • adj.
    جاف, ظامئ, ذابل, قليل الأمطار, غسيل جاف, حجارة بطارية, جاف الضرع, غير سائل, مجدب, متسم بالواقعية, موضوعي, قاحل
  • n.
  • v.
    جفف, نشف, سبب الظمأ, جف, جفف الفم, يبس
  • جافّ
  • And I tried to dry your hair as best I could.
    كان على أن أجفف شعرك قدر إستطاعتى
  • Fill it with dried branches and anything that'll burn.
    ملء مع فروع المجففة و أي شيء سوف يحرق.
  • But perhaps we can at least dry it out for you.
    لكن ربما على الأقل نستطيع أن نجففك
  • I'll light a fire to warm us, as well as dry the clothes.
    هيّا. بَدِّلي ثيابك. -في وجودك؟
  • My flesh longeth for Thee in a dry and thirsty land.
    جسدى يتطوق إليك فى الأرض الجافة والعطشانة
  • I'll skip the melon and have a dry martini instead.
    لن أطلب البطيخ سأطلب شراب المارتينيا بدلا منه
  • Yes, but they haven't dried yet. A few more minutes.
    نعم، لكنهم لم يجفوا بعد بضع دقائق أخرى
  • If she don't start livin', her body's gonna dry up.
    أذا لم تبدأ حياتها جسمها سوف يصيبه الجفاف.
  • Here's some dry raspberries. You can make tea someplace.
    هاك بعض الأعشاب يمكنك عمل شاي في مكان ما
  • You'd better dry off. - See you in the car.
    كنت أفضل حالا الجافة انظر أنت في السيارة
  • الحصول على المزيد من الأمثلة   1  2  3  4  5
تعريف الإنجليزية
  • without a mucous or watery discharge; "a dry cough"; "that rare thing in the wintertime; a small child with a dry nose"

  • (of liquor) having a low residual sugar content because of decomposition of sugar during fermentation; "a dry white burgundy"; "a dry Bordeaux"

  • free from liquid or moisture; lacking natural or normal moisture or depleted of water; or no longer wet; "dry land"; "dry clothes"; "a dry climate"; "dry splintery boards"; "a dry river bed"; "the paint is dry"

  • not producing milk; "a dry cow"

  • opposed to or prohibiting the production and sale of alcoholic beverages; "the dry vote led by preachers and bootleggers"; "a dry state"

  • lacking moisture or volatile components; "dry paint"

  • practicing complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages; "he''s been dry for ten years"; "no thank you; I happen to be teetotal"
    مرادفات: teetotal,

  • lacking warmth or emotional involvement; "a dry greeting"; "a dry reading of the lines"; "a dry critique"

  • having a large proportion of strong liquor; "a very dry martini is almost straight gin"

  • humorously sarcastic or mocking; "dry humor"; "an ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obliquely"; "an ironic novel"; "an ironical smile"; "with a wry Scottish wit"
    مرادفات: ironic, ironical, wry,

  • (of food) eaten without a spread or sauce or other garnish; "dry toast"; "dry meat"

  • having no adornment or coloration; "dry facts"; "rattled off the facts in a dry mechanical manner"

  • unproductive especially of the expected results; "a dry run"; "a mind dry of new ideas"

  • used of solid substances in contrast with liquid ones; "dry weight"

  • lacking interest or stimulation; dull and lifeless; "a dry book"; "a dry lecture filled with trivial details"; "dull and juiceless as only book knowledge can be when it is unrelated to...life"- John Mason Brown
    مرادفات: juiceless,

  • not shedding tears; "dry sobs"; "with dry eyes"

  • remove the moisture from and make dry; "dry clothes"; "dry hair"
    مرادفات: dry out,

  • become dry or drier; "The laundry dries in the sun"
    مرادفات: dry out,

  • a reformer who opposes the use of intoxicating beverages
    مرادفات: prohibitionist,