My friend--our friend-- was shot with arrows and fell off of a rooftop. صديقي - friend- - لدينا
And that whole scene at the end- - I mean, what was that? والنهاية ، ماكان ذلك؟
Your spook friend-- he said it was critical. شبح بك friend-- وقال انه كان حاسما .
Look, Anders, no, just end- أنظر , أندرس . كلا , فقط أنهِ
The story has yet come to an end- القصة لم تنتهي بعد
Well,I don't know who those two are, but the one on the end- لا أعـرف تلك الاثنـتيـن , لكننـي ( أعـرف تلك المـرأة ...
So when bunyan saw what they did to his best friend-- well, the only friend he'd ever had in whole world-- well, he just went berserk. فلما رأى بنيان ما فعلوه أفضل friend- - له جيدا، والصديق الوحيد عنيدا أي وقت مضى في world-