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تسجيل الدخول إنشاء حساب جديد

few معنى

النطق [ fju: ]   يبدو
"few" أمثلة على
الترجمة العربيةجوال إصدار
  • adj.
    بعض, قليل, قلة
  • Well, what are the lives of a few rabbits and dogs?
    حسنا,ما هي حياه بعض الأرانب و الكلاب؟
  • I'm only over here from Canada for a few months.
    انا وحيدة هنا من كندا لمدة بضعة شهور.
  • In a few moments you will join your young friend.
    فى خلال لحظات قليلة, ستنضم الى رفيقتك .
  • every few weeks he writes to say he's coming back.
    كلّ بعضة الأسابيع يكتب لي قائلا انه سيعود
  • In a few hours... you've grown so much older.
    .... خلال بضعة ساعات ستكبرين فى السن أكثر بكثير
  • You better change cabs a few times to be safe.
    ومن الأفضل ان تبدلى السيارة عدة مرات لسلامتك
  • A few old camel drivers and a handful of guards.
    وهناك قليل من سائقي الجمال وحفنة من الحراس
  • The doctor would like to have a few words with you.
    . الطبيب يود أن يتحدث معك قليلاً
  • Your husband took the policy out a few days later, Mrs. Dietrichson.
    و لقد أخذها بعد ذلك بأيام
  • Oh, would you wait outside for a few moments, sonny?
    هلا انتظرت بالخارج قليلاً ، يا بني ؟
  • الحصول على المزيد من الأمثلة   1  2  3  4  5
تعريف الإنجليزية
  • a small elite group; "it was designed for the discriminating few"

  • a quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by `a''; a small but indefinite number; "a few weeks ago"; "a few more wagons than usual"; "an invalid''s pleasures are few and far between"; "few roses were still blooming"; "few women have led troops in battle"