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تسجيل الدخول إنشاء حساب جديد

flying معنى

"flying" أمثلة على
الترجمة العربيةجوال إصدار
  • adj.
    وجيز, طار, طائر في حالة الطيران
  • n.
    طيران, رحلة جوية, طيار
  • I have two tickets to The Flying Dutchman at The Met tonight.
    "The Flying Dutchman" لدي تذكرتين لـ في "اللقاء" الليله
  • I was flying, oh-och.
    # I was flying # # اوه اوه #
  • Don't you hate flying? - Yes, I do.
    flying) ألا تكرهين الطيران؟
  • That's Mr. Flying Rat to you.
    ذلك السّيدُ Flying Rat إليك.
  • I said "flying. "
    أنا قلت طيران (flying not lying)
  • Whoever he is, he just intercepted a pass... and he is FLYINGGG down the wing.
    كائنا من كان، وقال انه اعترض مجرد تمرير... وقال انه من الناحية FLYINGGG.
تعريف الإنجليزية
  • an instance of traveling by air; "flying was still an exciting adventure for him"
    مرادفات: flight,

  • hurried and brief; "paid a flying visit"; "took a flying glance at the book"; "a quick inspection"; "a fast visit"
    مرادفات: quick, fast,

  • moving swiftly; "fast-flying planes"; "played the difficult passage with flying fingers"
    مرادفات: fast-flying,