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تسجيل الدخول إنشاء حساب جديد

full معنى

النطق [ ful ]   يبدو
زمن الماضي البسيط: fulled   زمن الماضي البسيط: fulled   زمن المضارع المستمر: fulling   
"full" أمثلة على
الترجمة العربيةجوال إصدار
  • adj.
    مطلق, مليء, كامل, مزدحم, منتفخ, شامل, حافل, متخم, شقيق, جمهوري, غني ب, زاخر
  • adv.
    مشى بالسرعة القصوى, ضربه في وجهة
  • n.
    من أصل معروف, بدر
  • v.
    أشبع, أصبح بدرا
  • كامِل
  • Ring around the rosie! A pocket full of spears!
    وقعتم في قبضتي، و الرماح تحاصركم من كل جانب
  • Now, you see, the world is full of temptations.
    الآن، ترى ـ العالم ملئ بالإغراءات ـ إغراءات ؟
  • I know those ads. The papers are full of them.
    إننى أعرف هذه الإعلانات إن الجرائد مليئة بها
  • I have a full house. - And I had four deuces.
    أنت لا تستطيع أن تضربني من المحتمل.
  • My company doesn't pay off until a full investigation.
    شركتي لن تدفع أى شئ إلا بعد إكتمال التحقيقات
  • Brandon) Hardly, we had our hands full getting ready for the party.
    لقد كُنّا منشغلين جداً بالإعداد للحفلة.
  • But she didn't complete the full course, did she?
    و لكنها لم تكمل الدورة ، أليس كذلك ؟
  • I have my hands full with you.
    يدى ملك لك ماذا تردين مع هذه الغصون الخضراء ماغرضك ؟
  • It sounded so fresh, so new, so full of meaning.
    بدا نشيط جدا، جديد جدا، لذا ملئ بالمعنى.
  • Well, we've still got a tank full of gas, anyway.
    لازال لدينا خزان مليء بالوقود على كل حال
  • الحصول على المزيد من الأمثلة   1  2  3  4  5
تعريف الإنجليزية
  • containing as much or as many as is possible or normal; "a full glass"; "a sky full of stars"; "a full life"; "the auditorium was full to overflowing"

  • (of sound) having marked deepness and body; "full tones"; "a full voice"

  • to the greatest degree or extent; completely or entirely; (`full'' in this sense is used as a combining form); "fully grown"; "he didn''t fully understand"; "knew full well"; "full-grown"; "full-fledged"
    مرادفات: fully, to the full, fully, to the full,

  • to the greatest degree or extent; completely or entirely; (`full'' in this sense is used as a combining form); "fully grown"; "he didn''t fully understand"; "knew full well"; "full-grown"; "full-fledged"
    مرادفات: fully, to the full, fully, to the full,

  • having the normally expected amount; "gives full measure"; "gives good measure"; "a good mile from here"
    مرادفات: good,

  • having ample fabric; "the current taste for wide trousers"; "a full skirt"
    مرادفات: wide, wide-cut,

  • constituting the full quantity or extent; complete; "an entire town devastated by an earthquake"; "gave full attention"; "a total failure"
    مرادفات: entire, total,

  • complete in extent or degree and in every particular; "a full game"; "a total eclipse"; "a total disaster"
    مرادفات: total,

  • being at a peak or culminating point; "broad daylight"; "full summer"
    مرادفات: broad,

  • filled to satisfaction with food or drink; "a full stomach"
    مرادفات: replete,

  • increase in phase; "the moon is waxing"
    مرادفات: wax,

  • make (a garment) fuller by pleating or gathering

  • beat for the purpose of cleaning and thickening; "full the cloth"

  • the time when the Moon is fully illuminated; "the moon is at the full"
    مرادفات: full moon, full-of-the-moon, full phase of the moon,