And then Gudgeon told me he had taken care of everything. ولاحقا,أخبرنى جودجون انه تكفّل بكل شئ
Non, non... It was not there when Gudgeon brought the cherry glasses. لا,لا, انها لم تكن هناك عندما أحضر جودجون كئوس الشيرى
Dinner, Milady. - Thank you, Gudgeon العشاء يا سيدتى شكرا يا جودجون
Gudgeon really is a jewel, you know? And a proper, substantial sandwich is as good as lunch. ان جودجون جوهرة بالفعل وقد يكون ساندويتش كبير ومُتقن يُغنى عن الغداء
Just slice the top of it, through where the gudgeon pin goes... and it'll make a great ash tray. إقطه الجزء العلوي منه عبر الثقوب حيث تدخل البواجي و سيصبح منفضة سجائر رائعة
One has to put up far more insolence in a dress shop than Gudgeon or Simmons or any decent domestic does here. فى محل للملابس اكثر من جودجون او سيمونز, او اى انسان محترم هنا
تعريف الإنجليزية
small slender European freshwater fish often used as bait by anglers مرادفات: Gobio gobio,
small spiny-finned fish of coastal or brackish waters having a large head and elongated tapering body having the ventral fins modified as a sucker مرادفات: goby,