"Lascivious adulterer is a man that is a lascivious adulterer." "زاني فاسق a رجل ذلك a زاني فاسق."
You can wipe that lascivious look off your face. يُمكنكَ أن تُزيل تلكَ النظرة الفاسقة التي على وجهك.
A lascivious text message to you from someone named Andy. رسـالة نصية جنسية (لكِ من شخص يدعى (آندي.
So why repeat the lascivious details, with which all of us are undoubtedly already familiar? التي نعلمها جميعنا مسبقاً
Who are the most lascivious sluts in all of Rome? من هن العاهرات الأكثر وقاحة في " روما " ؟
General Edward Edwardian... for sending a lascivious look to his betrothed... لأني قمت بالغمز لخطيبته ..
There was nothing lewd and lascivious about it. لم يكن هناك شيئاً فاسقاً في الأمر
Phillips also enjoy a lascivious lifestyle, full of art, beautiful women lush and activities. يتمتع فيليب بحياته الفاسقة الكثير من الحفلات والنساء الجميلات
Surprisingly lascivious for a man of the cloth. مثير للدهشة لفاسق ولرجل بخرقة
"dance to the lascivious pleasings of a lute ترقص للسرور الفاسق للطين