Any other Phages inside, I want them hunted down and killed. أيّ Phages آخر داخل، أُريدُهم عقّبوا وقَتلوا.
As you know our campaign against the Hemophages has been highly effective. كما تعرف... ... حملتناضدّ Hemophages... ... كَانَفعّالَجداً.
The Hemophages are a dying species on the verge of nonexistence. Hemophages a يَمُوتُ نوعاً على حافة غيرِ وجودِ.
The Hemophages will do anything in their power to stop and immobilize it. Hemophages يَعمَلُ أيّ شئَ في قوَّتهم لتَوَقُّف وشَلّه.
There's a war going on to the death between humans and Hemophages. هناك a حرب تَستمرُّ إلى الموتِ... ... بينالبشرِ وHemophages.
How did a Hemophage get past the screens? هكذا عَمِلَ a Hemophage إجتزْ الشاشاتَ؟
Sweeper Team A, inform Archminister Daxus we have the remaining Hemophages cornered on the 21 st floor. فريقكنّاسِأي ، يُعلمُArchministerDaxus... ... عِنْدَناHemophagesالباقٍ حَصرَعلىالطابقِالحاديوالعشرونِ.
Hunt down and kill any Hemophages inside. عقّبْ ويَقْتلُ أيّ Hemophages داخل.
Phage libraries are also stored and screened more easily than cosmid libraries. كما يتم تخزين مكتبة العثية ومسحها بصورةٍ أسهل من مكتبات الكوزميدات (المستعمرات).
If you were a Hemophage we'd already have detected tissue repair at a microcellular level. إذا أنت كُنْتَ a Hemophage... ... نحنإكتشفنَانسيجَ تصليح في a microcellular مستوى.
a virus that is parasitic (reproduces itself) in bacteria; "phage uses the bacterium''s machinery and energy to produce more phage until the bacterium is destroyed and phage is released to invade surrounding bacteria" مرادفات: bacteriophage,