Major Amberson was engaged in the profoundest thinking of his life. "ميجور " آمبرسون مشغول بأعمق تفكير فى حياته
I hope you and your husband will accept my profoundest apologies. أتمنى منك ومن زوجك سيدتي أن تتقبلوا اسفى العميق
I underwent the profoundest experience of ecstacy I had ever encountered." لقد عشت أقوى تجارب "السعادة التي لم يمر علي بمثيلها قط
Conscience and grace to the profoundest pit. وليكن حبي وتقديري للجحيــم
And then, when I found that your sister, by rejecting my son's advances, had brought him to the point of proposing marriage, my feelings were of the profoundest anguish. وحينما ، علمت برفض أختكِ لعرض ابنيلهابالزواج، شعرت بإهانه كبيره.