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تسجيل الدخول إنشاء حساب جديد

retire معنى

النطق [ ri'taiə ]   يبدو
"retire" أمثلة على
الترجمة العربيةجوال إصدار
  • v.
    اعتزل, تقاعد, أوي الى فراشه, غادر, تراجع, انسحب, حال إلى التقاعد, انكفأ, تقهقر, انعزل
  • Gentleman. Bah! The jury will retire and consider their verdict.
    أيها السادة، ستصدر هيئة المحلفين الحكم بعد المداولة.
  • You may retire to the jury room to consider your verdict.
    يمكنكم الذهاب الى غرفة المداولة لأتخاذ قراركم
  • Gentlemen, you may retire if you wish.
    لا توجد أى صعوبة فى التوصل إلى قرار , ايها السادة
  • We can all retire on this one. Don't fuck it up.
    يمكننا جميعا أن نتقاعد بهذا, لا تخذلنا
  • At what time did Mme. Inglethorp retire for the night?
    في أي وقت انسحبت السيدة "انغلثورب" لترتاح ؟
  • A businessman don't retire if he can still pull in the bread.
    فى المدرسة أنا أعلم ما سيحدث
  • But I'm going to take this opportunity to retire from the game.
    لكنى سأنتهز هذه الفرصة لأعتزل اللعبة
  • You'll retire in a nice house, somewhere in the country.
    وتتقاعد في بيت جميل في اي مكان بالبلاد
  • Civil Service pays you guys enough to retire early?
    الخدمة المدنية تدفعك بما فيه الكفاية للتَقاعُد مبكرا ؟
  • You wouldn't have wanted to retire on this. Dirty money.
    . أنت ما كنت ستريد التقاعد على هذا
  • الحصول على المزيد من الأمثلة   1  2  3  4  5
تعريف الإنجليزية
  • prepare for sleep; "I usually turn in at midnight"; "He goes to bed at the crack of dawn"
    مرادفات: go to bed, turn in, bed, crawl in, kip down, hit the hay, hit the sack, sack out, go to sleep,

  • cause to get out; "The pitcher retired three batters"; "the runner was put out at third base"
    مرادفات: strike out,

  • cause to be out on a fielding play
    مرادفات: put out,

  • lose interest; "he retired from life when his wife died"
    مرادفات: withdraw,

  • pull back or move away or backward; "The enemy withdrew"; "The limo pulled away from the curb"
    مرادفات: withdraw, retreat, pull away, draw back, recede, pull back, move back,

  • dispose of (something no longer useful or needed); "She finally retired that old coat"

  • go into retirement; stop performing one''s work or withdraw from one''s position; "He retired at age 68"

  • withdraw from active participation; "He retired from chess"
    مرادفات: withdraw,

  • make (someone) retire; "The director was retired after the scandal"

  • break from a meeting or gathering; "We adjourned for lunch"; "The men retired to the library"
    مرادفات: adjourn, withdraw,

  • withdraw from circulation or from the market, as of bills, shares, and bonds