As God became human, in all ways except sin, he will also make humans "God", i.e., "holy" or "saintly", in all ways except his Divine Essence, which is uncaused and uncreated. لو صح ان يرقى الإنسان عن انسانيته والملك عن ملكيته ويتحد بخالقه تعالى، لصح انقلاب الحقائق وخرج الإله عن كونه إله، وصار الحق خالقا، والخلق حقا.
تعريف الإنجليزية
having no cause or apparent cause; "a causeless miracle"; "fortuitous encounters--strange accidents of fortune"; "we cannot regard artistic invention as...uncaused and unrelated to the times" مرادفات: causeless, fortuitous,