And in the same unthinking way as they had thought they loved him, they now began to fear the child. و بطريقة لا عقلانية و لأن الراهبات كن يعتقدن بأنهن يحبونه فقد بدأن باخافته
He's a 60-year-old man looking at young people screwing and living, blissfully unthinking about their own mortality. إنه رجل يبلغ من العمر 60 عاما يبحث في الشباب الشد والعيش، غافل بسعادة حول وفيات الخاصة بهم.
An unthinking process of evolutionary trial and error has created these virtual creatures that can move and react in real time. تلك العملية التطويرية لعملية التجربة والخطأ قد صنعت مخلوقات وهمية قادرة على التحرك والتصرف بشكل واقعى
without care or thought for others; "the thoughtless saying of a great princess on being informed that the people had no bread; `Let them eat cake''" مرادفات: thoughtless, uncaring,