I helped Bo with to see what she needed to see. لقد ساعدت بو لتترى ماتحتاج رؤيته
Nose of Turk and Tartar's lips, slivered in the moon's eclipse. أنف فرخة تركى وشفتا تترى قطعت عند خسوف القمر
Well, you see, Willard... in this war, things get confused out there. "حسناً،أنتترىيا "ويلارد... فى هذه الحرب،كل شئ يصبح مشوشاً
We see this balance throughout scripture. هذه التباينات الوجودية تترى خلال الكتاب كله.
You see a flaw, you attack. أنتترىخطأ, فتهاجم على الفور
And all of a sudden you were home and it was two weeks ago and you were watching yourself. وفجأةوجدتنفسكفيالمنزل, وذلك قبل أسبوعين وكنتترىنفسك. ترى والديك يقرآن لك
You see, it's not just their diet that makes the Moroi special, and some are more special than others. أنتترى،ليسفقط على النظام الغذائي الذي يجعل Moroi خاصة، وبعضهاأكثرمن غيرهاخاصة
Katia asserted that she had, she had inherited her powers from her mother-- and that during her childhood, she would see objects... أكدت (كاتيا) بأنها ورثتقواهامن والدتها... وأثناء طفولتها كانتترىاشياءاً...
I say, young Roo, if you suggest that a letter... would bring cheer to our friend Tigger... then we shall, by all means, write one! فى رأيى ياصغيرى (روو) ّ ... إذاكنتترىأنرسالة سوف تبهج صديقنا (نمّور)ّ !