Please, please, forgiving me for barging in upon you like this. ارجوك ان تسامحنى على اقتحامى عندك بهذا الشكل
I'm so sorry. Do forgive me for intruding. انا اسفة, سامحونى على اقتحامى هكذا ,
Please forgive my intrusion. من فضلك أعذرى إقتحامى
I would have saved you the trip to the door but you're all, like, against me breaking in or whatever. لقد كنت سأوفر عليك المشى إلى الباب و لكنك تكره اقتحامى لمكانك
I'm sorry to barge in like that... but your husband refuses to understand the fact... that sponsors need talk shows... and he would only show up if I drove. اسف... لاقتحامى المكان هكذا لكننا نحتاج زوجك بشده..
I broke into his apartment and stole his property-- which is a felony-- then I got arrested... but not for breaking and entering-- which is probably what you were thinking-- for cocaine possession. ثم اقتحمت شقته وسرقت من ممتلكاته وهذه جريمة ثم تم القبض على ليس لإقتحامى شقته