"تعين" بالانجليزي n. establishing, posting, staffing v. behove, make sure, want
"تعيش" بالانجليزي n. pall v. brisk, put smb. on his leg, pick up, exhilarate, freshen, freshen up, ginger, invigorate, reanimate, reflate, refresh, revitalize, revive, rally, buck up
Is there no end to your fault-finding? هناك لا نهايةَ إلى تعييبكَ؟
I may have walked in here the old fault-finding, flaw-fleeing Flasier, but I leave a man committed to commitment. أنا لَرُبَما مَشيتُ هنا التعييب القديم، هُرُوب العيبِ Flasier، لَكنِّي أَتْركُ a رجل ملتزم بالإلتزامِ.