I have communicated with the emperor. وهِو أيَضاً، يَتطلَع لإيجَاد وسِيلَه لتقَدِيم تحَالف جَديد وقَوي
A city free of ancient superstition and idolatry. مَدينَه خَالِيَه مِن الخُرفَآت القَدِيمه والوَثَنِيه
CALLED AHURA MAZDA, IT DEPICTED AN ANCIENT PERSIAN DEITY OF THAT NAME. "يُدْعَى " أَهَوَّرَا مازدا " يُصَوِّرُ أَنّهُ سُمِيَ بِهَذَا الإسم لِأَنّهُ إلَهَ فَارِسِيَّ قَدِيمَ."
NOT THAT OLD STORY AGAIN. لَيْسَتْ تِلْكَ الْقُصَّةَ الْقَدِيمَةَ ثَانِيَة.
Listen carefully, my old friend. إسمعني بِعِنَايَةٍ، يا صَدِيقَيْ الْقَدِيمِ.
Oh! It's from ancient greece. إنها مِنْ اليُونان القَدِيمَةِ.
Will you remove and kill the apostate and will you return that country to our common faith? وهَل ستعِيد الدَوله إلى إيمَاننَا العَام؟ "سيمور" عَائِله قَدِيمه ومثِيره
Because of the fall, this old wound on your leg has reopened and an ulcer has formed. بِسَبب السِقوط هَذا الجَرح القَدِيم علَى ساَقِك أعَاد فَتحه وشَكل قُرحه
I am exercised by the fact that one of our old acquaintances is still under house arrest. أطرُد مِن الحقِيقَه بِأن واحِد مِن معَارفنَا القَدِيمه لايَزآل تحَت الإقَامة الجَبريَه
He was once a priest of the old faith, but seeing how things went on, became a most passionate reformer. كَان مَره كَاهِن لِلإيمَان القَدِيم لكِن تَرى كيَف سَارت الإمِور أصبَحت أكثَر عَاطفِيه إصلاَحِيه