
commit معنى

[ kə'mit ] يبدو
commit أمثلة على
  • v.
    حول, سلم, اقترف, فرض, نفذ, ودع, ارتكب, ورط, حلف بالزور


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. You can't commit another crime. Your conscience won't let you.
    لا تستطيع إرتكاب جريمة اخرى ضميرك لن يتركك
  2. You're not going to commit a second murder, Dr. Mercheson.
    لن ترتكب جريمـة قتل ثـانية يـا دكتور (مورشيسون)
  3. We've committed the same kind of treason some way.
    لقد إرتكبنا نفس النوع من الخيانه بشكل أو بأخر
  4. It's too obvious and stupid a way to commit murder.
    من الواضح انها طريقة غبية لإرتكاب جريمة قتل
  5. And yet... under what pretext can I commit high treason?
    ولكن... تحت أي حجة يمكنني ارتكاب الخيانة العظمى؟

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause; "She committed herself to the work of God"; "give one''s talents to a good cause"; "consecrate your life to the church"
    مرادفات give, dedicate, consecrate, devote
  2. make an investment; "Put money into bonds"
    مرادفات invest, put, place
  3. cause to be admitted; of persons to an institution; "After the second episode, she had to be committed"; "he was committed to prison"
    مرادفات institutionalize, institutionalise, send, charge
  4. confer a trust upon; "The messenger was entrusted with the general''s secret"; "I commit my soul to God"
    مرادفات entrust, intrust, trust, confide
  5. engage in or perform; "practice safe sex"; "commit a random act of kindness"
    مرادفات practice
  6. perform an act, usually with a negative connotation; "perpetrate a crime"; "pull a bank robbery"
    مرادفات perpetrate, pull

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. commissural fiber معنى
  2. commissure معنى
  3. commissures معنى
  4. commissurorrhaphy معنى
  5. commissurotomy معنى
  6. commit (data management) معنى
  7. commit (version control) معنى
  8. commit a crime معنى
  9. commit a sin معنى
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