
exactly معنى

[ ig'zæktli ] يبدو
exactly أمثلة على
  • adv.
    تماما, بالضبط, على نحو صحيح, حرفيا


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. I've got to find out what happened to him exactly .
    يجب أن أكتشف ما حصل له بالضبط.
  2. She begs you to do exactly as I say. Yes, but...
    تترجاك أن تنفذ ما أطلبه منك حرفياً.
  3. Investigator Brentwood, what exactly do you want from us?
    حضرة المحققه (برينتوود)، ما الذي تريدينه منا بالضبط ؟
  4. Look at our friends. They don't look exactly uninterested.
    إنظر إلى أصدقائنا هم لا يبدون غير مهتمون بالضبط
  5. Of course, he and Mr. Kane didn't exactly see eye to eye.
    خذ الحرب (الأسبانية - الأمريكية) مثالاً

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. indicating exactness or preciseness; "he was doing precisely (or exactly) what she had told him to do"; "it was just as he said--the jewel was gone"; "it has just enough salt"
    مرادفات precisely, just, precisely, just
  2. in a precise manner; "she always expressed herself precisely"
    مرادفات precisely, incisively, precisely, incisively
  3. just as it should be; "`Precisely, my lord,'' he said"
    مرادفات precisely, on the nose, on the dot, on the button, precisely, on the nose, on the dot, on the button
  4. indicating exactness or preciseness; "he was doing precisely (or exactly) what she had told him to do"; "it was just as he said--the jewel was gone"; "it has just enough salt"
    مرادفات precisely, just, precisely, just
  5. in a precise manner; "she always expressed herself precisely"
    مرادفات precisely, incisively, precisely, incisively
  6. just as it should be; "`Precisely, my lord,'' he said"
    مرادفات precisely, on the nose, on the dot, on the button, precisely, on the nose, on the dot, on the button

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. exactingly معنى
  2. exactingness معنى
  3. exaction معنى
  4. exactions معنى
  5. exactitude معنى
  6. exactly so معنى
  7. exactness معنى
  8. exacts معنى
  9. exacum معنى
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