
lockstep معنى

lockstep أمثلة على
  • السير بإيقاع موحّد كما يمشي الجنود


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. I'm in lockstep with all people marching towards my death.
    أنا في مسيرةٍ مع كلّ هؤلاء أسيرُ نحو حتفي
  2. We gotta march in lockstep to what society expects.
    يجب أن نفعل ما يتوقعه منا المجتمع
  3. Don't get caught up in the lockstep of society's expectations.
    لا تنظري لهما كما ينظر المجتمع
  4. Still in lockstep with the state department, sir.
    مازال يشتغل مع وزارة الخارجية يا سيّدي

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. a manner of marching in file in which each person''s leg moves with and behind the corresponding leg of the person ahead; "the prisoner''s ankles were so chained together that they could only march in lockstep"
  2. a standard procedure that is followed mindlessly; "the union''s support had been in lockstep for years"

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. locks of hair by the ears معنى
  2. locksmith معنى
  3. locksmith unit معنى
  4. locksmithing معنى
  5. locksmiths معنى
  6. lockstep (computing) معنى
  7. lockstitch معنى
  8. lockup معنى
  9. lockups معنى
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