
rationalization معنى

[ ˌræʃənəlai'zeiʃən ] يبدو
rationalization أمثلة على
  • n.
    تبرير, تسوي منطقي, عقلنة, الإنطاق, التسويغ
  • تَرْشيد


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. Jack Bauer's rationalization for every unethical action he takes.
    (تفسير (جاك باور لكل عمل غير أخلاقي يقوم به
  2. How dare you try to rationalization that to me!
    ! كيف تجرؤ على محاولة تبرير ذلك لي
  3. Any rationalization you had for meddling in my private life
    وأيّ عذرٍ لك للتدخّل في حياتي الخاصة
  4. All the rationalization doesn't make what we're doing right.
    كل مالدينا من أعذار منطقية لايجعل مانفعله صح
  5. His rationalization is, "Yeah, I've been convicted, but it was unjust.
    و، "نعم، لقد أدين ترشيد له، لكنه كان ظالما.

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. systematic organization; the act of organizing something according to a system or a rationale
    مرادفات systematization, systematisation, rationalisation
  2. the organization of a business according to scientific principles of management in order to increase efficiency
    مرادفات rationalisation
  3. (mathematics) the simplification of an expression or equation by eliminating radicals without changing the value of the expression or the roots of the equation
    مرادفات rationalisation
  4. the cognitive process of making something seem consistent with or based on reason
    مرادفات rationalisation
  5. (psychiatry) a defense mechanism by which your true motivation is concealed by explaining your actions and feelings in a way that is not threatening
    مرادفات rationalisation

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. rationalistically معنى
  2. rationalists معنى
  3. rationalities معنى
  4. rationality معنى
  5. rationality theorists معنى
  6. rationalization (economics) معنى
  7. rationalization (psychology) معنى
  8. rationalization (sociology) معنى
  9. rationalizations معنى
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