تسجيل الدخول إنشاء حساب جديد

did أمثلة على

"did" معنى  
أمثلةجوال إصدار
  • Where did you pick this one up, Arthur, Bellevue?
    Where did you pick this one up, ارثر, بيللوفى؟
  • Oh,for God'sasake, who are you,Jedidiah the Amish farmer
    بحق الله من أنت ؟ jedidiah the amish farmer ?
  • Did we ever really land on the moon?
    â™ھ Did we ever really land on the moon? â™ھ
  • Did she tell you how big my dick was?
    Did أنها اقول لكم كيف كبيرة وكان ديك بلدي؟
  • I arrived in London on the 26th ofJune.
    Didn't you وصلت إلى "لندن" في الـ 26 من شهر يونيو
  • Even if there was, d-didn't you notice there's no chimney?
    حتى إذا كان هناك، D-didn't لاحظت عدم وجود مدخنة؟
  • Chinese got diddly music, "Pleen ting tang tong ting."
    حصلت الصينية diddly الموسيقى ، "تينغ تينغ Pleen تونغ تانغ".
  • You didn't have to do that.
    You didn't have to do that. لم يكن واجبًا عليك أن تدافع عنى.
  • Lockheed sent us a bill for $ 18 million.
    نعم، بأنّه كميةُ المالِ. - هو jodidamente مفرط.
  • Look, oh, I got the Tim Duncan Adidas Cool-D's.
    النظرة، أوه، أصبحتُ هدوء تيم دنكان Adidas دي.
  • When did I ever believe, but it has, it has indeed happened
    When did l ever believe, ولكنه حدث.
  • didn't gandhiexhaust that lo like,a hundred years ago?
    didn't gandhiex haust that lo كأنها، قبل مائة عام؟
  • hat, sir, I guess I didn't make it ¶
    آ¶ hat, sir, I guess I didn't make it آ¶
  • at least I didn't fake it, hat, sir ¶
    آ¶ at least I didn't fake it, hat, sir آ¶
  • Did you ever drive?
    Did you ever drive? ترجمة ابراهيم السنهورى ( d.0.t ) Translated By [ d.0.t ]
  • What did Principal Poole want to talk to you about?
    What did Principal Poole أريد أن أتحدث إليكم عن؟
  • I've heard of las provincias perdidas, the lost provinces.
    لقد سمعت من provincias لاس perdidas، المحافظات المفقودة.
  • The Natural History Museum. One of the most popular of all London's attractions.
    متحف تاريخ الطبيعة ترجمة Didi Hawking
  • Where the devil did you get her?
    Where the devil did you get her? من أين بحق الشيطان حصلت عليها؟
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