تسجيل الدخول إنشاء حساب جديد

known أمثلة على

"known" معنى  
أمثلةجوال إصدار
  • Enough, enough, enough ... stop stop stop! Oh shit, what happened to you?
    ترجمة Unknown Rebel اللعنة , ما بك؟
  • Success finally came with a lead compound, tetra-ethyl lead, known as TEL.
    وجاء نجاحه أخيراً بمركب الرصاص tetra-ethyl lead, known as TEL.
  • What if something terrible happens to you 'when you step into the unknown?
    ماذا إذا حدث شيء فظيع إليك when you step into the unknown?
  • What if something terrible happens to you 'when you step into the unknown?
    ماذا إذا حدث شيء فظيع إليك when you step into the unknown?
  • Believe me, it was beknownst.
    صدقوني، كان beknownst ذلك.
  • I guess we'd have picked some place else.
    Now had we known that Bedstyle would be the center of a crack epidemic, أعتقد أنه كان يمكننا السكن في مكان آخر