It's bombproof and it's the safest place in Castle. إنها محميه من القنابل وهى آمن مكان فى القلعه
Reinforced doors, bombproof windows, no in or out. أبواب مُدعمة،نوافذ ضد القنابل،لا طريقة للدخول أو للخروج
It was a bombproof shelter. So you should cheer up, it's safe in here. لقد كان ملجأ منيع لذا يجب أن تبتهج، إنه آمن هنا.
تعريف الإنجليزية
able to resist the explosive force of bombs and shells; "bombproof shelter" مرادفات: shellproof,
make safe against bombings
a chamber (often underground) reinforced against bombing and provided with food and living facilities; used during air raids مرادفات: bomb shelter, air-raid shelter,