We were covered in hydrochloric acid, yet look at our skin. نحن غطّينا في حامض hydrochloric.
We were covered in hydrochloric acid, yet look at our skin. نحن غطّينا في حامض hydrochloric.
But mixed in with it were traces of pepsinogen and hydrochloric acid. لكن إختلطَ فيه مَعه كَانتْ آثارَ pepsinogen وحامض hydrochloric.
But mixed in with it were traces of pepsinogen and hydrochloric acid. لكن إختلطَ فيه مَعه كَانتْ آثارَ pepsinogen وحامض hydrochloric.
Water, hydrochloric acid, electrolytes, pepsins and trypsins. الماء , hydrochloric حامض... المنحلاتبالكهرباء، البيبسين وtrypsins.
If we are lucky the chloric gas will reveal the ink in Audrey's note. لو كنّا محظوظين... سوف يكشف غاز الكلوريك الحبر في مُلاحظة (أودري).
Chlorate produces chloric acid, which is highly unstable and can lead to premature ignition of the composition. تنتج الكلورات حمض الكلورات غير المستقر مما قد يسبب انفجار مبكر للمزيج.