Covetous Jews, who have taken all our money and hoarded it for themselves! اليهود الطامعين الذين أخذوا كل أموالنا وكنزوها لأنفسهم.
Are you covetous of my position? هل أنت طامع في منصبي؟
Yes, well, Covetous still has his head, and he's gonna keep it for a few more days. حسنا ما زال الطماع يملك رأسه وسيبقى يملكها لقليل من الايام
She's a grasping, devious little pretender... and it is my duty to expose her as the covetous hoax she is. ...انها مخادعة وطماعة ... ومن واجبي ان اعترضها على خدعها وطماعتها تلك
Once he was firmly established in the Northern March, Albert's covetous eye lay also on the thinly populated lands to the north and east. ولما ترسخ وجوده في التخم الشمالي، وضع ألبرشت عينه الطامعة أيضاً على الأراضي قليلة السكان إلى الشمال وإلى الشرق.
In the Jewish tradition Alexander was initially a figure of satire, representing the vain or covetous ruler who is ignorant of larger spiritual truths. في التقليد اليهودي كان الاسكندر في البداية هذا الرقم من هجاء (شعر)، وهو ما يمثل الحاكم أو الكيان الذي يجهل الحقائق الروحية أكبر.
تعريف الإنجليزية
immoderately desirous of acquiring e.g. wealth; "they are avaricious and will do anything for money"; "casting covetous eyes on his neighbor''s fields"; "a grasping old miser"; "grasping commercialism"; "greedy for money and power"; "grew richer and greedier"; "prehensile employers stingy with raises for their employees" مرادفات: avaricious, grabby, grasping, greedy, prehensile,
showing extreme cupidity; painfully desirous of another''s advantages; "he was never covetous before he met her"; "jealous of his success and covetous of his possessions"; "envious of their art collection" مرادفات: envious, jealous,