Dobel had a real sense of irony and would have appreciated that I got one last, to use his word, adventitious glimpse of Amanda as I was leaving for JFK. دوبيل كان عنده إحساس حقيقي لـlrony وسيكون عنده appreclated الذي l أصبح واحد آخر مرّة، لإستعمال كلمة hls، adventltlous gllmpse أماندا كl كان leavlng لجي إف كي.
تعريف الإنجليزية
brilliant or conspicuous success or effect; "the eclat of a great achievement"
ceremonial elegance and splendor; "entered with much eclat in a coach drawn by eight white horses" مرادفات: pomp,
enthusiastic approval; "the book met with modest acclaim"; "he acknowledged the plaudits of the crowd"; "they gave him more eclat than he really deserved" مرادفات: acclaim, acclamation, plaudits, plaudit,