"fanatism" معنى تعصب تَزَمُّت تَعَصُّب حمية حَمَاسَة مُفْرِطَة عصبية عَصَبِيَّة
But, look. I've been studying fanatically since I can remember. كنت أدرس بشكل متطرف منذ ما أتذكر
The present-day Order is just as reclusive as it ever was. Fanatically adverse to publicity. مضادّ بتعصب إلى الدعاية والإعلانِ
Almost fanatically they support their great King Solomon. إنهم يؤيدون ملكهم " سليمان " بتعصب
" Fanatically You get to me magically ##" ##" مثيرة لأصبح سحرية ##"
Some say he's fanatically right wing. ويقول البعض انه بتعصب الجناح الايمن.
Geraldus fanatically insists that they continue their pilgrimage despite their desperate situation. يصر جيرالدوس على أنهم يواصلون حجهم على الرغم من وضعهم البائس.
Dupont is fanatically anti-German. His speech in Geneva in '33 made me ashamed to be an ally of the French. دوبونت" هو كاره للألمان" و خطابه عام 1933
In 1855 he became fanatically religious, and the responsibility of the family business was transferred to Anna's mother. سنة 1855 أصبح متعصب ديني، وانتقلت مسؤولية إدارة الأعمال إلى والدة آنا.
تعريف الإنجليزية
in a passionately fanatic manner; "he followed the teachings of his guru fanatically"
in a passionately fanatic manner; "he followed the teachings of his guru fanatically"