The Guy who Lived In-Between the Hatfields and the McCoys. الشخص الذ يعيش بين the Hatfields and the McCoys.
Strawberry Fields Forever is your favorite song. هى "Strawberry Fields Forever" أغنية أغنيتك المفضلة
there are cornfields ¶ إنظروا كيفَ كبر ♪ There are cornfields ♪
We used to be the Mayfields. نحن كُنّا M yfields،
The Whitfields are a family we will always be a family and no one and nothing can change that. Whitfields a عائلة... ... نحندائماًسَنَكُونُaعائلة ... ... ولاأحدولا شيء يُمْكِنُ أَنْ يُغيّرَ ذلك.
I think he'll have his own statue, like Ηachiko the dog, at this intersection that he leaves only to go prophesy on the battlefields. أعتقد بأنه سيكون له تمثال مثل الكلب (هاتشيكو) at this intersection that he leaves only to go prophesy on the battlefields.
I think he'll have his own statue, like Ηachiko the dog, at this intersection that he leaves only to go prophesy on the battlefields. أعتقد بأنه سيكون له تمثال مثل الكلب (هاتشيكو) at this intersection that he leaves only to go prophesy on the battlefields.