We're at the back of Buckey's Appliances. نحن في الجزء الخلفي من معدات واجهزة بوكي of Buckey's Appliances.
I took his keys-- that's when the fight started. أخذت keys- - له هذا هو عندما بدأت المعركة.
Toby, a glint could be anything-- wristwatch, bracelet, keys-- توبي، يمكن أن يكون بريق anything-- ساعة اليد، سوار، keys--
I thought women our age didn't give hickeys anymore. فكّرتُ نِساءَ عُمرِنا لَمْ يَعطي hickeys أكثر.
Your mother kept an eagle eye out for Smokeys. أمّكَ أبقتْ عين نِسْرِ خارجاً لSmokeys.
Your mother kept an eagle eye out for Smokeys. أمّكَ أبقتْ عين نِسْرِ خارجاً لSmokeys.
Let me guess. "Wee Monkeys." دعني أخمن "Wee Monkeys"
Let me guess. "Wee Monkeys." دعني أخمن "Wee Monkeys"
Chuckling] Yeah. - Yo, chill! - [Shouting Continues] ياااااه ¶ Can't we just all get along So I can put hickeys on your chest like Little Shawn ¶
Baby, my parents are so excited we're driving to The Keys tomorrow to meet them. عزيزي, والديّ متحمسين جدا The Keysغدا سنقود اليهم في لمقابلتهم "Florida Keys مكان بجنوب شرق امريكا" أوه!