His parents, Manoah and his wife, have pleaded him to take an Israelite wife instead, but Samson refused. وسرعان ما تصالح أبي يعقوب مع ابنه، مطالباً بإعدام أنصاره المتآمريين ضده، لكن أبي سعيد عثمان رفض تقديمهم له.
Manoah and his wife were childless, but an angel of the Lord appeared to Manoah’s wife and told her that she would give birth to a son. لم يرزق منوح وزوجته بأطفال، لكن ملاك الرب ظهر للزوجة وبشرها بأنها ستلد ولداً.