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تسجيل الدخول إنشاء حساب جديد

opening معنى

النطق [ 'əupniŋ ]   يبدو
جمع: openings   
"opening" أمثلة على
الترجمة العربيةجوال إصدار
  • adj.
    واسع الفم
  • n.
    فجوة, كوة, افتتاح, بداية, استهلال, مدخل, فتحة, حفلة الإ فتتاح, ثغرة
  • فُتْحَة
  • You and your husband's all-night openings were something of legend.
    وكنت وزوجك كل ليله تفتحون كان شىء خرافى
  • Mr. Mathur, there are no job openings in our company.
    سيد "ماثور".. لا توجد وظائف متاحة فى شركتنا
  • Unfortunately, we do not have any openings right now.
    لسوء الحظ ، ليست لدينا أى وظائف شاغرة الآن
  • D-Do you know about some job openings out of state?
    هل تلعمين عن بعض الوظائف الشاغره خارج البلده؟
  • But there aren't any turns or any openings or anything.
    لكن لا يوجد اي تقاطعات او فتحات
  • All openings of your garment must be sealed completely.
    هذه هى التعليمات اذا كانت هذه المرة الأولى
  • They can grab your feet through the openings and pull you through.
    يستطيعون مسك أقدامك خلال الفتحات وتسحبك خلالها.
  • It's just, you know, there aren't really any openings here and...
    لكن فقط , انه لاتوجد اماكن متاحة هنا
  • Makes me realize what a bust all my other openings were.
    جعلي الاحظ ما تمثله ارائي الاخرى
  • But a wormhole With openings close together
    ولكن الثقب الدودي الذي لديه .. فتحات قريبة من بعضها
  • الحصول على المزيد من الأمثلة   1  2  3  4  5
تعريف الإنجليزية
  • the first of a series of actions
    مرادفات: first step, initiative, opening move,

  • the act of opening something; "the ray of light revealed his cautious opening of the door"

  • becoming open or being made open; "the opening of his arms was the sign I was waiting for"

  • a recognized sequence of moves at the beginning of a game of chess; "he memorized all the important chess openings"
    مرادفات: chess opening,

  • an entrance equipped with a hatch; especially a passageway between decks of a ship
    مرادفات: hatchway, scuttle,

  • a vacant or unobstructed space that is man-made; "they left a small opening for the cat at the bottom of the door"

  • an aperture or hole that opens into a bodily cavity; "the orifice into the aorta from the lower left chamber of the heart"
    مرادفات: orifice, porta,

  • a possible alternative; "bankruptcy is always a possibility"
    مرادفات: possibility, possible action,

  • the initial part of the introduction; "the opening established the basic theme"

  • the first performance (as of a theatrical production); "the opening received good critical reviews"
    مرادفات: opening night, curtain raising,

  • a ceremony accompanying the start of some enterprise

  • an open or empty space in or between things; "there was a small opening between the trees"; "the explosion made a gap in the wall"
    مرادفات: gap,

  • opportunity especially for employment or promotion; "there is an opening in the sales department"

  • first or beginning; "the memorable opening bars of Beethoven''s Fifth"; "the play''s opening scene"