Revenge on those whose cruelty was the cause of all this misfortune. " مثل الحكومات العربية المتوحشة like the savage arabic governments
Casey, there is no vent. Darden, back out! Get down! كيسي , لا توجد رياح داردن SD-CRACKER ترجمة translated to arabic by SD-CRACKER
I'd like a room. Welcome to Storybrooke. \fnArabic Typesetting\fs30}."هناك بلدةٌ في "ماين
There is a town in Maine... \fnArabic Typesetting\fs30}."هناك بلدةٌ في "ماين
rapid footsteps, people shouting indistinctly) SD-CRACKERترجمة translated to arabic by SD-CRACKER
Like my grandfather would call "time out" on the beaches of Normandy. 1500)\cH000000\3cH00FFFF\4cH0060ff\fnArabic Typesetting\fs24}حدثَت أحدى معارك الحرب العالمية الثانية(1944) على شواطيء نورماندي تمت بأنزال قوات امريكية وبريطانية على الشواطيء
And I don't want him to miss anything. And I don't want him to get hurt. [man singing in Arabic] [man in Arabic] While we are living in these troubled times, we need to be merciful. ولا اريد ان يفوته شيئ ولا اريد ان يتضرر [man in Arabic] While we are living in these troubled times,
People have learned to expect a lot less from the U.S. than they used to. [Arabic music plays] [man in Arabic] The United States is the main problem in the region, frankly. الناس تعودو عدم قبول الكثير من امريكا بدلا من تقبل الواقع [man in Arabic] The United States is the main problem in the region, frankly.