Tough times, Earth chumps. We're repossessing your TV. أوقات صعبة، يا مغفلين الأرض نحن نسترجع ملكية تلفازكم
You keep scrounging for clients and I'll keep repossessing cars for Akamian. واستمر فى استغلال الزبائن وأنا سأستمر باستعادة السيارات لأكاماين
You're in default on your loans and the bank is repossessing this property. عيك تقصير للقرض والمصرف سوف يستعيد هذه الملكية
They've already started repossessing your stuff. ! لقد بدأوا بالفعل الحجز على ممتلكاتك.
You recklessly loan people money, knowing their financial limitations, counting on repossessing more than they could ever pay back. لقد أقرضتم الناس أموالاً طائلة .دون مراعاه لقيودهم المالية معتمدين على أن يردوها لكم .بأكثر
After bilking trillions from the American public by repossessing their homes, bankrupting them when they got sick and convincing them to invest their earnings and pensions in the casino known as the stock market, the rich decided to make one last heist بعد نهب البلايين من الشعب الامريكي باعادة انشاء منازلهم نهبهم عندما يمرضون