Everybody knows these names but Yashodhara? يَعْرفُ كُلّ شخصُ هذه الأسماءِ... ... لكن... ... Yashodhara؟
Perhaps Yashodhara wanted to leave Siddhartha and Rahul. ربما Yashodhara أرادَ لتَرْك Siddhartha وRahul.
After that, Yashodhara had no choice. بعد ذلك، Yashodhara ما كَانَ عِنْدَهُ إختيارُ.
Yashodhara was married to Siddhartha. Yashodhara تُزوّجَ إلى Siddhartha.
How can we ever know if Yashodhara fell victim to anger to loneliness or bitterness after Siddhartha left her. كَيْفَ نَعْرفُ أبداً إذا Yashodhara أسقطْ الضحيّةَ للإغْضاب... ... إلىالوحدةِأَو المرارةِ...
Thus one night, prince Siddhartha decided to leave his beautiful wife, Princess Yashodhara... and his son, Rahul, and go away. هكذا ليل واحد، الأمير Siddhartha قرّرَ... ... لتَرْكزوجتِهالجميلةِ، الأميرة Yashodhara... وإبنه، Rahul، ويُسافرُ.
Yashodhara has shown compassion for the sick ... and ailing long before Siddhartha ever did long before Siddhartha was even aware of suffering! Yashodhara شوّفَ الشفقة لمرضى ... ومريضقبلفترةطويلة Siddhartha أبداً عَمِلَ... ... قبلفترةطويلةSiddhartha كَانَ حتى مدرك للمعاناة!