If all the world's florists, hairstylists, and choreographers were to go on strike, could we survive? إذاكُلّباعةزهورالعالمَ، hairstylists،ومدراءرقص كَانتْأَنْتُضربَ، هَلْيُمْكِنُأَنْنَبْقى؟
You know, we have a terrific hairstylist here. تَعْرفُ، عِنْدَنا a hairstylist رائع هنا.
I bought it from his personal hairstylist. إشتريتُه مِنْ hairstylistه الشخصي.
Okay, so I know that I was hired as a stylist and not a designer, but check this out. Okay, so I know that I was hired as a stylist and not a designer, لكن تَفقّد هذا.