It was really your brother we were interested in. انا كنت حقا اخوك كنا مهتمين ب It was really your brother we were interested in.
There's oneinteresting thing about these cases. هناكشيءoneinteresting حول هذه الحالات .
Last time a person of interest contacted these lawyers was two years ago? person of interest أو أدلة أو أي شيء حول قضية إرهابية إتصل بهاتين المحاميتين كانت منذ عامين
Ah, interesting-- we're being accused of making you do things you don't like, and here you are, doing the same thing to poor Amy. آه، interesting-- يجري نتهم يجعلك تفعل أشياء كنت لا تحب، وهنا أنت،
Mr. Savrinn, that bullet went through your teres major, ripped the lateral margin of your scapula, leaving you absolutely no medial rotation of your arm. سيد (سافرين)، لقد اخترقت الرصاصة عضلة الكتف و مزقت هامش الكتف الجانبي و تركتك دون قدرة على تحريك الذراع