The orderlies wereherea few moments ago, andtheytookhim away. أين هو؟ الممرضو wereherea بضعة لحظات مضت , andtheytookhim بعيدا.
Well, somebody tooka couple pops at this boat. حَسناً، شخص ما tooka زوج فرقعات في هذا المركبِ.
They took her down to the furnace about 20 minutes ago. They took her down to the فرن حوالي 20 دقيقة.
Took off to the gas station. Took off to the gas station. ذهب لمحطة الوقود
Omoi Afurete Hibikuwa Tooku) My mind oveflows and cries spread far ؟ ؟ نشر (أوموي Afurete Hibikuwa Tooku) رأيي oveflows وصرخات بعيدا
Omoi Afurete Hibikuwa Tooku) My mind oveflows and cries spread far ؟ (أوموي Afurete Hibikuwa Tooku) رأيي oveflows وصرخات انتشار الجيش الملكي
The bodies took a licking, and the demon inside kept them ticking. اذاً الاجساد ميته The bodies took a licking, والشياطين من الداخل تبقيهم حية
Let's just say it wasn't a broomstick that took his butt cherry. Let's just say it لم يكن عصا المكنسة that took his butt cherry.
Someone took you ## â™ھ Someone took you â™ھ
Mr. Pfister just took me to the woodshed, which I didn't even realize could be a metaphor. السيد فيستر عاقبني (took me to the woodshed تعني عاقبني) و أنا لم أكن أعرف إنها مجرد إستعارة لفظية