Those gears and gyros clicking' and whirring'... like the devil himself! تلك التروسِ والبوصلة الجيروسكوبيةِ clickin ' وwhirrin '... حبّْ الشيطانَ بنفسه!
Very satisfying to see a bear actually get up and go on its way. HELICOPTER ROTORS WHIRR Wish 'em well, hope for the best, and to never seem 'em again in town. مِن المرض أن ترى دُبَّا ً ينهض ويمضيفيطريقه، أتمنى أن يكون جيدا ً وآمل الافضل وأنلاأراهفيالقريةمرَّة أخرى.
تعريف الإنجليزية
sound of something in rapid motion; "whir of a bird''s wings"; "the whir of the propellers" مرادفات: whir, whirring, birr,
make a vibrant sound, as of some birds مرادفات: churr,
make a soft swishing sound; "the motor whirred"; "the car engine purred" مرادفات: whizz, whiz, whir, birr, purr,