What magic did Phuljhariya work on you? ما السحر الذي ألقته (بولغاريا) عليك؟
In the 12th and 13th century, the Bogomils were already known in the West as "Cathars" or in other places as "Bulgari", i.e. Bulgarians (българи). في القرن 12 و13، عرف أتباع الحركة في الغرب باسم "بولغاري"، وتعني البلغاريون (البُلغار българи).
In the 12th and 13th century, the Bogomils were already known in the West as "Cathars" or in other places as "Bulgari", i.e. Bulgarians (българи). في القرن 12 و13، عرف أتباع الحركة في الغرب باسم "بولغاري"، وتعني البلغاريون (البُلغار българи).
In the 12th and 13th century, the Bogomils were already known in the West as "Cathars" or in other places as "Bulgari", i.e. Bulgarians (българи). في القرن 12 و13، عرف أتباع الحركة في الغرب باسم "بولغاري"، وتعني البلغاريون (البُلغار българи).
In the 12th and 13th century, the Bogomils were already known in the West as "Cathars" or in other places as "Bulgari", i.e. Bulgarians (българи). في القرن 12 و13، عرف أتباع الحركة في الغرب باسم "بولغاري"، وتعني البلغاريون (البُلغار българи).
He drinks Gin Martinis, and he speaks six languages, and he gave me this amazing Bulgari pearl choker with a gold "B" clasp on it. انه يشرب النبيذ والمارتيني ويتحدث بست لغات "وأعطاني قلادة "بولغاري بعقد لؤلؤي ومعلق به حرف (بي)بالذهب
He drinks Gin Martinis, and he speaks six languages, and he gave me this amazing Bulgari pearl choker with a gold "B" clasp on it. انه يشرب النبيذ والمارتيني ويتحدث بست لغات "وأعطاني قلادة "بولغاري بعقد لؤلؤي ومعلق به حرف (بي)بالذهب