Last time I drove across country, it took me four days. آخر مَرّة قُدتُ عَبرَ البَلَدِ، أَخذَني أربعة أيامِ.
Because the other woman always knows. لأن المرأة الأخرى دائما تعرف (تقصد بَلَدَهُ)
You keep saying "your people, your country." أنت تستمر بذِكر "شَعبكَ، بَلَدَكَ"
Maybe Allah was out of town. رُبما كانَ الله خارِجَ البَلَد
Growing up, what was the one enemy we had, the one country that we never trusted? عِندما كُنا نَكبُر، مَن كانَ عَدونا الأوحَد؟ البَلَد الوَحيد الذي لَم نَثِقُ بِه؟
Before our Founding Fathers dipped their quills into the inkwell and wrote the Bill of Rights, no other country had ever defined a government's responsibility to its people, the prime responsibility being to preserve liberty. الولايات المُتحدَة الأمريكية قَبلَ ان يَغمِسَ أباؤُنا المُؤسسين ريشاتِهِم في دَواة الحَبر و يَكَتَبوا قانون الحُقوق المَدَنية لَم يُحَدِّد أيُ بَلَدٍ آخَر