This is the solar wind. تشدّ جاذلبة الثقب الأسود الهائلة كلّ شيء صوب الأسفل
Made that my Facebook profile picture, she really liked it and told me how nice it was, and that she thought how nice it would be to put her head on my chest and fall asleep. بذلبلدي صورة الفيسبوك جانبي ، lt; Igt;
to afford you the time to dig-up the dough and jump onto a cigarette boat and zip-down to the Bahamas where you can sip rum for the rest of your days and listen to classic rock played by bands with muscular guitarists and dead drummers. مما يوفر لك الوقت كى تخدع المغفلوتقفزفى قاربصغير... . وتهرب به إلى جزر (البهاما) حيثتحتسيالنبيذلبقيةحياتك...