You're better placed than most to represent him at the imperial court. أنَت فيْ أَفضَل مَكَان لِتَمثِيله فيِ محَكمَة الاِمبرَاطُورِيه
Although he promised to make representations to the pope on Your Majesty's behalf, King Francis did no such thing. عَلى الرُغم مِن أنه وعَدك بِالتَمثِيل لِلِبابَا لأجِل مَصلحَة فَخامتُك الملك فرانسيس لم يَفعَل شَيء كَهَذا
I have this view that the Act of Parliament is like a double-edged sword for if a man answer one way it confounds his body and if he answers another, it confounds his soul. لدَي وجَهة نَظر بِأن التَمثِيل لِلبرَلمان سِلاح ذِو حدَين لكَل رجُل يجَاوِب بِطرِيقَة مُعينَه سَوف يُفحِم جَسدُه