I stowed them both in the travel case, as instructed. Yes, and you also insisted on loading the luggage into the taxi. سَرقتُهم كلتا في حالةِ السفرَ كمَأْمُور...
I stowed them both in the travel case, as instructed. Yes, and you also insisted on loading the luggage into the taxi. سَرقتُهم كلتا في حالةِ السفرَ كمَأْمُور...
I stowed them both in the travel case, as instructed. Yes, and you also insisted on loading the luggage into the taxi. سَرقتُهم كلتا في حالةِ السفرَ كمَأْمُور...
I stowed them both in the travel case, as instructed. Yes, and you also insisted on loading the luggage into the taxi. سَرقتُهم كلتا في حالةِ السفرَ كمَأْمُور...
master, my name is sokka, and i wish to be instructed in the way of the sword. السيد، اسمي sokka، وi أمنية إلى يَكُونُ مَأْمُوراً في طريقِ السيفِ.
In fact, he shattered the stone tablets and instructed his people to kill each other in order to purify themselves. هو يُزعَجُ جداً لرُؤية شعبهِ عِبادَة a عجل ثورِ ذهبيِ. في الحقيقة، حطّمَ الألواح الحجرية وشعبه المَأْمُور للقَتْل بعضهم البعض