These are files that were on Mikhail's computer. الوَلاء هذه الملفّات التَي كانت (على حاسوب (ميخائيل
And I admire your courage, if not your loyalty. وأنا أقدّر شجاعتك و وَلاءك
Mr. Secretary, I am the king's loyal subject. سَيِد الأمن أنَا الوَلاء التَابِع لِلِملك
I'm telling you, she's cross-eyed. She's not looking at you, it's me. أنا أقول لك , أنها حوَلاء ستحضر لعندك , سترى
Katya voiceover) Previously on Allegiance... ســابقا في مسلسل .. الوَلاء
"This realm of England is an empire governed by one supreme head and king and owing no allegiance except to God." هَذِه الممَلكَه مِن انجِلترَا إمبراطُورِيه يحكُمهَا رجُل وَاحِد ومَلِك وليس له وَلاء إلا لله
We have had a great success throughout the whole country in the swearing of allegiance to Your Majesty as head of the Church. لقَد نجَحنا نجَاحاً عظِيماً في جمِيع أنحَاء البِلاد في قَسم يمِين الوَلاء بِصفَة فَخامتُك رئِيساً لِلِكنيسَه
Sir Thomas, we have come to the conclusion that far from being a true and loyal servant to His Majesty there never was a servant so villainous so traitorous to his prince as you. سَيِد "توماس" تَوصلنَا إلى النَتِيجه إنه، أبعَد مَايكِون عَن الصِدق والوَلاء والخِدمة لِفخامتِه لم يكُن هُناك خَادماً دنِيء، خَائِن أيضاً