I apologize for the coarseness of my hands, Mistress. أعتذر على خشونة يداي ، سيدتي
Perhaps it was her coarseness that he was attracted to. ربما كانت فظاظتها التي جذبته
Those present, forgo the coarseness of thy flesh. "هذه الهدايا" "نتخلى عن خشونة لحمك"
Coarseness does not become you. الفظاظة ليست من طبعك
Coarseness doesn't suit you, kid. الوقاحة لا تليق بك
And judging by the coarseness and thread count, I'd say that it was from a rug of some kind. ،وبُناءً على الخشونة وعدد الخيوط .أقول أنّه من سجّادة من نوعٍ ما
According to David E. E. Sloane, "most American critics found it harder to overlook the coarseness of the book and its treatment of the labor problem." ووفقاً لديفيد سلووان فإنه" من الصعب على معظم النقاد الأمريكان أن يغضوا الطرف عن ما تتضمنه الرواية من فظاظة في معالجتها لمشكلة العمل".
looseness or roughness in texture (as of cloth) مرادفات: nubbiness, tweediness,
the quality of being composed of relatively large particles مرادفات: graininess, granularity,
language or humor that is down-to-earth; "the saltiness of their language was inappropriate"; "self-parody and saltiness riddled their core genre" مرادفات: saltiness,