Yeah, ever since she started thinking about not being a nun. نعم، مُنذُ أن بَدَأَت تُفَكِّر بتَركِ الرَهبَنَة
This past year, she started to play them back to the elephants. وهذهِ السنة الماضية بَدَأَتْ بإعادة تشغيلها إلى الفِيَلة
That shit's just starting to affect his brain. بأنَ ذلكَ بَدَأَ يُؤثِر على عَقلِه
And my relationship with Beecher-- lt started in brutality and that's where it's ended. و عَلاقَتي معَ بيتشَر... . بَدَأَت بالوَحشيَة و انتَهَت بِها
Attitudes are just starting to settle down. و السلوك بَدَأَ فقط بالاستقرار
Her powers are starting to manifest. لقد بَدَأَتْ قِواها في الظُّهور
when you started trusting me. منذ أن بَدَأَت الثقة بي
Well, the place started out as an experiment, but unfortunately it pretty much failed. حسناً، لقد بَدَأَ المَكان على أنهُ تَجرُبَة لكن لسوء الحَظ فقَد فَشِلَ تَقريباً
since I started walking. مُنْذُ أَنْ بَدَأَتْ أَمَشْي.
Apparently this whole thing started because his eminence received a letter from a prisoner. حسناً، على ما يَبدو أنَ هذا الشيء كُلُه بَدَأَ لأنَ نيافَتَهُ قَد تَلَقَّى رِسالةً مِن سَجين