"خفق" بالانجليزي n. pulsation, fall v. become confused, throb, baulk, pulsate, bust, come, flap, pound, dilute, bedeck, whip, collapse, fizzle out, goof, flunk, flummox, miss, go wrong, go by the board, come to grief, muddle, misfire
"دفق" بالانجليزي adj. effluent n. effluence, flow, outflow, inflow, inflowing, flux, influx, outpouring, stream, river, race, afflux v. pour, pump, slop, well
"رفق" بالانجليزي n. lenience, leniency, mildness, forbearance v. attach
Maybe cut off an ear, pop an eye. ربما يقطعوا لك أذن، أو يفقؤوا عين.
Chinese villagers killed Allied troops who searched for wells, and gouged out the eyes and sliced the tongues off Japanese troops, nailing them to village doors. وقتل أهالي القرى الصينيون جنود القوات المتحالفة الذين كانوا يبحثون عن آبار المياه، وفقؤوا أعين الجنود اليابانيين وقطعوا ألسنتهم، وصلبوهم على أبواب القرى.